Thanks to a wonderful family of benefactors NW Missouri Teachers are eligible to apply for a one time $250 grant available to new recipients monthly made on behalf or Empowering Change Outreach & Services.
Kevin and Trish Raever said, "We have been watching the work Empowering Change is doing in our communities and wanted to do something on their behalf that would impact the rural communities in empowering educators who are empowering children. Empowering Change Outreach & Services exemplifies what it is to empower others toward self sufficiency and show the true love of Christ in the actions they do daily. We wanted to be a small part of that on their behalf"
We, at Empowering Change Outreach & Services are grateful to the people who pay it forward, who inspire others to rise above their current circumstances and move toward a life of self sufficiency. We live by the motto, "Serve, be a light for someone facing darkness and Love Loudly"
NW Missouri Teachers can make application for the one time per recipient monthly grant by writing how they are empowering their students in the classroom and community by emailing: for additional information please visit:
