While many people celebrate Independence today and freedom there are many who are on the streets who are not celebrating. We live in one of the greatest nations on the earth and it is always hard to see others struggling just to have shelter or food.
Empowering Change Outreach & Services, a street outreach in NW Missouri, is bringing food and supplies to the homeless and helping others have a sense of dignity and freedom, even if it is just for a moment.
These last two weeks have kept us all quite busy. Co-Founders, Jim Wilson and Destry Balch have made numerous shopping trips to gather supplies for care packages and food box distribution. It seems like the more we serve others the more we find need to be served. In addition to distributing food we also have helped several families with resources and filling out applications for additional services such as Snap, formerly known as Food Stamps, W.I.C. (Women in Crisis) and even Section 8 Housing for low income housing and even shelter services. It sure keeps us on our toes!
We are so grateful to freely be able to serve others. We are helping make a difference in NW Missouri. There is no greater joy than to be able to serve others and to see that your gesture of love and that is what it truly is puts a smile on someones face and makes their day just a little bit brighter.
There are many opportunities to serve and volunteer with our organization. We always need help assembling care packages and even help distributing them. We also couldn't do what we do without the generous support of people like you. If you would like more information on how you can get involved email us: jim@empowering4change.net
Hope you have an incredible 4th of July and may the 4th be with you!
