Mission Statement
We seek to lift up the hands which hang down and strengthen the feeble knees wherever they may be found. We seek to bring hope where hopelessness has become the gruel of consumption. We seek to bring light into dark places and demonstrate that the love of men has not waxed cold. We seek to shine the light of understanding and empathy upon the disadvantaged and those who have no advocate. We seek to do this by helping every individual realize their worth and empower them with the ability to change, making their life better one step at a time.
Behind the Scenes
We seek to help individuals find dignity and self-respect in whatever circumstances they may find themselves. We help those with a desire to improve their situation by providing food and housing assistance. We also connect individuals in need with appropriate services and education, including physical and mental health services, either within our organization or through other local organizations. Currently, our service area extends throughout rural Northwest Missouri.
Long-term Initiatives
Our services will be implemented in multiple phases. Initially, we are providing food and clothing assistance to the homeless and disadvantaged through mobile outreach. Soon, we hope to obtain a permanent site food bank to support our mobile food services that can supply communities or disadvantaged individuals without current resources and services.
We hope to work with Inter-faith coalitions, and community-based organizations to evaluate and address the needs of those in the community and surrounding areas.